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Constructed in 1381, The Zaradel Synagogue is located on Rue de France in the Jewish quarter of Alexandria (Souk el-Samak el Kadim [the Old Fish Market]). [1] A dedicatory plaque that hung on the western wall of the synagogue once read, “I, Yehuda, son of Rav Shaul Sepharadi, son of Yitshak of revered memory, have brought and built…for the forgiveness of my soul and my parents’ soul in the year 1311 of the destruction of the Temple…” [2, 3] In 1880, the synagogue underwent significant renovations. [4] It is one of the oldest synagogues in Alexandria. [5]
[1] Sven Baruchel, “Synagogues,” Association Internationale Nebi Daniel, http://www.nebidaniel.org/synagogues.php?lang=en.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Jacob Moses Toledano. “בתי הכנסיות העתיקים באלכסנדריה וסביבותיה,” (The Old Synagogues in Alexandria and its Surroundings), Hebrew Union College Annual 12/13, (1937), 705–706. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23503664.
[4] “Torah Finials,” Historic Synagogues of Europe, Foundation for Jewish Heritage and The Center for Jewish Art, https://historicsynagogueseurope.org/browser.php?mode=set&id=3140.
[5] Mohamed Gohar, “Eliahou Hannabi Synagogue of Alexandria and the Jewish Community,” Eliahou Hannabi Synagogue of Alexandria and the Jewish Community, 2017.
Works Cited
Baruchel, Sven. “Synagogues.” Association Internationale Nebi Daniel, http://www.nebidaniel.org/synagogues.php?lang=en.
Foundation for Jewish Heritage and The Center for Jewish Art. “Torah Finials.” Historic Synagogues of Europe. https://historicsynagogueseurope.org/browser.php?mode=set&id=3140.
Gohar, Mohamed. “Eliahou Hannabi Synagogue of Alexandria and the Jewish Community.” Eliahou Hannabi Synagogue of Alexandria and the Jewish Community, 2017.
Toledano, Jacob Moses. “בתי הכנסיות העתיקים באלכסנדריה וסביבותיה,” (The Old Synagogues in Alexandria and its Surroundings). Hebrew Union College Annual 12/13. 1947. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23503664.
"Photograph of: Zaradel Synagogue in Alexandria." From the collection of the National Library of Israel, courtesy of The Center for Jewish Art.